A continuation/comparison video, "Unidentified Object October 13, 2010 Not Laser" is shown at: www.youtube.com and "UFO October 13, 2010 Seen today Comparison Video" at www.youtube.com Video was filmed in Infrared this morning beginning at 7:10 The object didn't look like an insect because small things like soybean pods are in focus, also other insects are shown in infrared. With this camera equipment and lighting conditions, insects normally give a solid appearance because of their bodies; they do not look diffuse and translucent. Not reflection because over wide area from northwest to south of me. There were trees south of me, a soybean field to the west, and my house to the east. Soybeans are light color, but do not light up. Do not have diffuse appearance, even close ones A bird swooped down toward the object and then back up as if it were after it. This would suggest that the object was in the soybean field and possibly 20 or more feet away. The back side of the trailer was about 15 feet away. The object should have been in focus and not diffuse. :36 A bird passed it. It may have dived at it because it swooped down toward it and then flew up as soon as it passed it. It would be difficult for a bird to see at night. The bird appears solid and dark, even thought it is moving rapidly. .41 dissippear, but soybeans are in focus .41 dissappear when focus on it. 0.42 See Soybeen pods through it :56 - :58 see through it, when it comes close 1:13 move rapidly while camera is ...
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